Shades of Blue US Naval Air Power Since 1941 by Martin W Bowman Book

₹2,500.00 ₹1,850.00
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Subtitled: US Naval Air Power Since 1941. Today, a single 'Nimitz'class nuclear-powered carrier can pack a bigger punch than most country's combined air, sea and land forces! This high-tech volume, packed with vivid color photographs, looks in-depth at the amazing developments that have taken place in US Navy aviation since the dark days of Pearl Harbor. Armed with supersonic fighters and bombers, reconnaissance, tanking and rescue aircraft, Shades of Blue delivers dynamic coverage of today's naval air power. Hdbd., 8 1/4" x 11 3/4", 140 pgs., 59 bandwill., 144 color.

Product Identifiers
ISBN-10 0760308446
ISBN-13 9780760308448
Author Martin W. Bowman
Number Of Pages 144 pages
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 1999-10-08
Language English
Publisher MBI Publishing Company LLC
Publication Year 1999

Additional Details
Illustrated Yes

Weight 34.5 Oz
Height 0.8 In.
Width 8.6 In.
Length 11.9 In.


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